Four juveniles charged in assault investigation — Anchorage Police Department

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Four juveniles charged in assault investigation

At 1:14 PM on July 27, 2022, Anchorage Police responded to a residence to contact juvenile victims who had been shot with electric gel blaster style guns (aka: water ball blasters).  Upon arrival officers spoke with the two victims; adults were present during the interview.  Initial indications are that the two juveniles were riding their bicycles past Abbott Loop Elementary School at 8427 Lake Otis Parkway when a group of juveniles fired at the two bicyclists, striking them multiple times.  Officers saw injuries on the victims; the victims declined to have medics respond to the scene.

Officers responded to the school and located three juveniles who matched the suspects’ descriptions.  After verifying those three were involved, a fourth juvenile suspect was identified and contacted.  Ultimately charges for all four were forwarded to the Department of Juvenile Justice; their parents were notified.

APD Case 22-24378